Match Day 2021 was a few weeks ago and I had the honor to capture this very special moment for these two wonderful friends and medical students, Anna and Sarah. Their joyful reactions and expressions were truly priceless when they found out which schools they got matched to! They both got into their FIRST CHOICE schools for residency, and it was such a huge excitement for the both of them! Anna will be completing her pediatric residency at the University of Utah, and Sarah will be completing her anesthesiology residency at Duke University :) Every season of life is worth capturing, and documenting moments like this is something that will be cherished for years to come. Enjoy scrolling through some of my favorite highlights below! Congrats again, Anna and Sarah!
A Special Note on Safety and COVID-19:
To help ensure a safe shoot for clients, I wear a surgical face mask for all sessions and do my best to maintain proper social distance. If you are considering a photography session, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to contact me and I can provide you with more details about how I’m handling safety during COVID-19.